Common Questions

Below are questions we get frequently at Mendivil regarding our orthodontic appliances. If you have a question that is not found here, drop us a line from the contact us page.


What is Mendivil Express?

Mendivil Orthodontic Appliances is able to receive an impression with braces on the model, then return the completed Hawley retainers and selected appliances to your office before the patient takes their braces off.  This will ultimately save you chairside time and could result in as many as 150 fewer appointments over the course of a year.  Using this method allows you to schedule the next appointment out as far as 6 weeks instead of having the follow up appointment the week after the braces come off.   Doing this with each case will allow an orthodontist to save as much as 2,250 hours for new patient exams, and have a larger client base. Call us to see how this revolutionary process can help the productivity and efficiency of your office.

When should we call the lab for a pickup?

Please call our office as soon as the impression is poured up.  We will then send you a shipping label for priority mail pick up that day.  This is usually faster and cheaper than any courier service, which means more savings for you!

Why does your lab use a "Placement Date" vs. a "Due Date" on the RX prescription form?

We prefer the “placement date”  because it lets us know precisely the scheduled appointment date and time that your patient is going to receive their appliance. It helps us manage our schedule in the lab and allows enough time to get your appliances back to your office.

Should the doctor sign the RX prescription form? If so, why?

Yes, it lets us know that the doctor has evaluated the impression of any distortions, has surveyed the models for any voids, and givien the lab the OK to proceed in fabricating the correct appliance design for your patient.

“We want to make sure our office is taking accurate impressions and sending out the best models. Can we call you for advice on this?”

Yes. We have an open door/open phone policy, so please call us any time with your questions. We have extensive “chair side” experience, and many ideas and or techniques in order to help you create the most accurate impressions when pouring up models.

“Our patient "Abigail," likes the tiger acrylic design, but would like to put a number #3 heart sticker in the middle and add some rainbow glitter. Can you do this?”

Yes. Our goal is a happy patient, so we can do whatever it takes to create that. We think of our acrylic design process as a 7 layer cake; let us know what you want and we will make it happen.


“I have an idea for an appliance design. Do you do custom designs?”

Yes. Our goal is to create specialized appliances for each individual patient’s needs. We’ll modify and work together to create whatever appliance works for you and for your patients.